NirouTrans Company


With many years of experience of manufacturing HV and EHV instrument transformers NTC
started its export business in 2004 , despite of few years of export, NTC products are delivered to 4 continents of the world.

High Qualified Products

We respect to extra type test beside international standards
Niroutrans is the pioneer of High Voltage products in Middle East

  • Metering Outfit Transformers

    Metering Outfit Transformers

    This instrument transformer includes three current transformers and two voltage transformers and has been designed for measuring voltage and current simultaneously. Some merits of this new product are as follow.
    1- General advantages of combined instrument transformers
    2- Special advantage of Nirou Trans combined instrument transformers
  • Coupling Capacitors

    Coupling Capacitors

    NTC coupling capacitors type CC01-CC12 are intended for power line carrier applicatons. The insulator and capacitor design are identical to capacitor voltage dividers, but without an intermediate voltage terminal.
    The dielectric used in the coupling capacitor consist of a combination of oil impregnated paper and polypropylene film, resulting in CC being practically impervious to temperature varication. A line trap can in most cases be mounted directly on top of the coupling capacitor.
  • Resin Parts

    Resin Parts

    In the production process of high and medium voltage equipments and also in the establishment of medium voltage substation, usually there is a need for solid insulating parts which in most cases shall be in required special shapes.
    One of the best and most reliable ways to supply the parts, is casting them with epoxy resin. At the time being, using the most advanced equipment for vacuum casting under vacuum and the great experience achieved on casting medium voltage instrument transformers, NTC is capable to design, produce and quality approve the variety of parts required by customers with ordered facilities and shortest delivery times.


  • Factory: Sharif Abad Sq. 3 Km Torkan Rd. Nirou Trans Co. Shiraz-IRAN
    Tel:+98-71-37438855- 37438651-37438650

  • Tehran Office: No 1206- Sarve-Saee Build.- Vali AsrAve.Tehran_IRAN